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04-07-10 Motions

Motions of the Regular Meeting of the Legislative Council
Held in the Municipal Board Room, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chairman Jeffrey Capeci called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.


Jan Andras, George Ferguson III, John Aurelia Sr., Kevin Fitzgerald, Chris LaRocque, Richard Woycik, Mary Ann Jacob, Benjamin Spragg, James Belden, Gary Davis, Daniel Amaral and Jeffrey Capeci.

ABSENT:  None   


First Selectman Patricia Llodra, Finance Director Bob Tait, Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson, Chairman of the Board of Education Lillian Bittman, Chairman of the Board of Finance John Kortze, two members of the press and 52 members of the public

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of February 17, 2010:

        Mrs. Jacob moved to accept the minutes of March 3, 2010 as corrected.  Mr. Spragg seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Mrs. Jacob moved to accept the minutes of March 17, 2010. Mr. Fitzgerald seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.


Discussion and Possible Action: 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan:
Mr. Spragg moved to accept the 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan as presented. Mr. Ferguson seconded and, following a brief discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.


Discussion and Possible Action: 2010 Town of Newtown Budget as Recommended by the Board of Finance (Board of Selectman and Board of Education):

Mr. Spragg made the motion to approve the 2010-2011 Town of Newtown Board of Selectman Budget of $37,692,881. Ms. Andras seconded and, following a straw poll, the motion was approved 11-1 by a roll call vote. Mr. LaRocque, Mr. Woycik, Ms. Andras, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Aurelia, Mr. Davis, Mr. Amaral, Mrs. Jacob, Mr. Spragg, Mr. Belden and Chairman Capeci voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Fitzgerald voted against the motion.

Mr. Spragg moved that the intergovernmental revenues be set at $7,671,977 and other revenues be set at $3,354,606. Mrs. Jacob seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Based on the recommendation made to the Legislative Council Finance Committee by the Legislative Council’s Education Committee, Mr. Spragg made the motion to approve the Board of Finance’s recommendation that the 2010/2010 budget for the Newtown Board of Education be set at $66,994,734. Ms. Andras seconded the motion.

Mr. Davis moved to amend the motion and restore $760,000 to fund education services in the proposed town budget, with the following conditions: 1) Immediately following passage of the 2010-2011town budget at public referendum, the Board of Education will voluntarily enter into discussions with the Legislative Council’s Education Committee to discuss ways to reduce costs within the 2010-2011 school district budget. The goal of these discussions will be a continue to find savings for the 2010-2011 budget year while maintaining the sanctity of Board of Education policies on class size and quality of academic education. These discussions should be completed prior to the Board of Education voting on its final 2010-2011 budget, which must be done before July 1, 2010. 2.) The Board of Education agrees that any cost savings that can be achieved as a result of these discussions will be voluntarily provided to the General Fund to reduced taxes. This motion recognizes that by state statute the Board of Education is not required to undertake these steps. Any concurrence with these conditions by the conditions by the Board of Education would be totally voluntary. Mr. Belden seconded and, following a straw poll, the motion for the amendment failed 3-9 in a roll call vote.. Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Davis and Mr. Belden voted in favor of the amendment. Mr. LaRocque, Mr. Woycik, Ms. Andras, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Aurelia, Mr. Amaral, Mrs. Jacob, Mr. Spragg, and Chairman Capeci voted against the amendment.

Mr. Fitzgerald moved to amend the motion and restore $250,000 to the Board of Education budget. Mr. Davis seconded and the motion to amend the main motion failed 3-9 in a roll call vote.  Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Davis and Mr. Belden voted in favor of the amendment. Mr. LaRocque, Mr. Woycik, Ms. Andras, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Aurelia, Mr. Amaral, Mrs. Jacob, Mr. Spragg, and Chairman Capeci voted against the amendment.

Following a straw poll, the main motion was approved 9-3 by a roll call vote. Mr. Aurelia, Mr. Amaral, Mrs. Jacob, Mr. Spragg, Mr. LaRocque, Mr. Woycik, Ms. Andras, Mr. Ferguson, and Chairman Capeci voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Belden, Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Davis voted against the motion.

Mr. Spragg moved the Finance Director be authorized to make any mathematical corrections that might be required to avoid any discrepancies and report back to the Legislative Council. Mr. Ferguson seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Resolution on the Sale of Tax Liens -

Mr. Spragg made the motion as follows: “Whereas, Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 12-195h authorizes any municipality to assign, for consideration, any and all liens filed by the Tax Collector to secure unpaid taxes on real property, and Whereas, said assignment of tax liens is found to be in the best interests of the Town of Newtown; Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved By the Legislative Council of the Town of Newtown that First Selectman Patricia Llodra be and hereby is authorized to assign  any and all liens by the Tax Collector to secure unpaid taxes on real property appearing on the Grand Lists of October 1, 2008 through October 1, 2011. First Selectman Patricia Llodra is further authorized to execute any agreements or amendments thereto as may be required to accomplish the purposes hereof.” Mr. Fitzgerald seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.


Mr. Woycik moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:37 am. Mr. LaRocque seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.


Ted Swigart, Clerk